Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1768.09.08

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Index Entry Hymn [t] [beg] To day we meet to take our leave 
Location London 
8 Sep 1768:31 (1344)
Please to insert the following hymn in your journal and you
will oblige many of your readers; it was composed by a young
man, clerk of the church, and sung by the congregation in
London immediately after their minister had preached his
farewell sermon, in order to embark for America.
  To day we meet to take our leave, 
  Of him by Jesus sent, 
  He takes away whom late he gave, 
  And we will be content.
. . . [6 more verses]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1768.09.08 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0038912
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